Vegetable dishes

It's part of every meal, or it should be in my view. The difficult thing about vegetables is that they're pretty bland on their own. You have to do something with it to make it tasty! My favorite vegetable is lettuce in all different variations with a dressing, green beans cooked in stock with thyme and onion, broccoli steamed and some others.

In the Indonesion kitchen they cook vegetables in a 'boemboe' an herb mixture with coconutmilk. This is so good! Try Sayur Lodeh or Sambal Goreng Beans, yummy. If I ever turn vegetarion I'll eat lots and lots of indonesion food ;-) When I get take-out at an Indonesian restaurant I usually prefer vegetables and tofu dishes over meat, so usually 3 veg/tofu dishes and one meat/chicken/fish dish. Yummy!

Most important when cooking vegetables is not to overcook them, they should usually be firm and crispy to eat.

Try some of my favorites below, wonder what you'll think of them. Enjoy.

Spicy Sour String Beans (Kacang Asem Pedis)

8/7/2006 - Visited: 7 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Entree - Indonesia - Clean beans and cut in pieces. Blanch in salted water. Prepare boemboe by making a...... 1 pnd string beans or green beans 5 shallots, chopped 2 tbsp asem (tamarinde) 3 cloves .....

Sourkraut dish

6/25/2006 - Visited: 5 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Entree - The Netherlands - Rinse sourkraut. Saute beef with onion, garlic and chilipaste. When done prepare o...... 1 pnd sourkraut 1 pnd ground beef 1 onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tbsp chili.....

Green beans with garlic, parsley and breadcrumbs

6/16/2006 - Visited: 4 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - Italy - Blanch beans and leave to cool. Saute garlic and parley for 1 minute. Add breadcru...... 1 pnd green beans salt to taste 2 tbsp chopped parsley 1 clove garlic, minced 4 tbsp o.....

Potatoes with sage and garlic

6/16/2006 - Visited: 7 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - Italy - Dry potatoes. Heat oil and fry for about 10 minutes until golden. Add garlic, sage an...... 2 pnds new potatoes, cubed 1/2 cup oliveoil 4 large cloves garlic, mashed 12 sage leave.....

Mixed Vegetables with meat

5/3/2006 - Visited: 12 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Entree - Turkey - Heat the oil in a wok or Dutch oven on medium-high heat. Add the potatoes (in two bat...... 4-5 tbsp sunflower oil 4 large potatoes, peeled and cubed 2 large carrots, thinly sliced.....

Vegetables in Coconutmilk

4/17/2006 - Visited: 6 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Entree - Indonesia - Clean vegetables and cut to bitsize pieces. Make a paste of the shallots, garlic, ...... 1 pnd mix 'hard' vegetables (green beans, carrot, cabbage) 1/4 pnd bambooshoots 10 shall.....

Spinach salad Horenso No Goma ae

4/12/2006 - Visited: 8 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - Japan - Prepare dressing by roasting seeds until they start popping. Keep 1 tbsp separate and...... 1/2 pnd fresh spinach Sesame dressing 2 tbsp sesamseeds 1/2 tsp sugar 1 1/2 tbsp soy.....

Crispy Potato Skins

3/29/2006 - Visited: 5 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - United States - Preheat oven to 350F/180C. Roast potatoes for about 45 mins. Take out and let cool. ...... 2 pnds medium potatoes, rubbed and cleaned. Use fork to prick the potato. 2 tbsp melted b.....

Parmesan Parsley Potatoes

3/29/2006 - Visited: 8 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - United States - Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Peal potatoes and cut in slices of about 3/4". Melt butter...... 3 large potatoes 1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan 2 tbsp flour 2 tbsp dried parsley 1 t.....

Potatosalad with chili and springonion

3/19/2005 - Visited: 5 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Lunchdish - Australia - Mix all well and leave for about an hour. Nice as a sidedish with Tunakebabs or so...... About 1 pnd small new potatoes, cooked 3 spring onions, chopped finely 1 tsp chilipowder.....

Outback Steakhouses Aussie Fries

3/16/2005 - Visited: 32 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - Australia - Preheat oven. Prepare fries according to package. When done leave to drain on pape...... 2 pnds fries, frozen or homemade 1 cup shredded cheese, mild 6 slices bacon, crumbled or.....

Garlic Fries

3/15/2005 - Visited: 6 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - United States - Lightly saute garlic in some good oliveoil on low heat. Mix with parsley and salt to ...... About 1 clove garlic per person, crushed and chopped very finely 1 portion of fresh fried.....

Aloo Gajjar, Carrot Curry

3/3/2005 - Visited: 19 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - India - Heat oil and saute cumin seeds until they start to knisper. Add carrot and potatoes a...... 2 tbsp oil 2 tsp cuminseeds 1/2 pnd carrot, cubed 1/2 pnd potatoes, cubed 1 tsp chilip.....


3/1/2005 - Visited: 4 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - France - Kook potatoes in skin, peal and mash. Add, on low heat, butter, salt and pepper, garl...... 2 pnds potatoes 1 pnd fresh mozzarella, thinly sliced 1/4 pnd butter 1/2 pnd creme frai.....

Boulangere Patatoes

2/21/2005 - Visited: 11 times - Forwarded: 0 times - Sidedish - France - Preheat oven, 180C/360F. Divide patatoes over pcs tinfoil, in the centre. Also div...... 1 1/2 pound pealed patatoes, thinly sliced 1 medium onion, finely chopped 2 cloves of ga.....

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