Recipe for risotto, add truffles if you can get it and afford it.

Rice dishes from Italy for 4 persons, suitable for for christmas and other holidays.


  • 250 grams wild mushrooms, cleaned and chopped
  • 2 tbsp lemonjuice
  • 1 zucchini, sliced
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 75 grams butter
  • 200 gr risotto rice (araborio)
  • 0.75 l. chicken stock (or porcini stock)
  • 50 grams freshly grated parmesan
  • 3 tbsp cream
  • salt and pepper to taste


Saute mushrooms in half the butter, add salt and pepper to taste and saute for a few minutes. Take out of pan and keep separate.

Then add onion and zucchini to pan and saute until opaque, add rice and saute for a few minutes.

Keep stirring and add stock one large spoon at a time, heat should be medium. Repeat this for about 20 mins. until rice is done.

Then stir in butter, cream, mushrooms and cheese. Add more salt and pepper to taste.

Serve as a first course like this or add a salad and some grilled shrimp for a full meal.

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