Recipe for a light noodlesoup with lean beef strips, udon, ginger and spring onions.

Soups from Japan for 4 persons, suitable for for children or prepare with children.


  • 1/4 pnd steak, sliced in thin strips
  • 1 pnd udon noodles
  • 6 spring onions, sliced
  • 1 ounce ginger, grated
  • soy to taste
  • some starch to thicken
  • Stock
  • 3 pints dashi (japanese fishstock)
  • 1/4 cup light soy
  • 2 tbsp normal soy
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp salt


Heat stock.

Cook noodles until done according to package, rinse with cold water.

Stirfry beef in some hot oil, when done mix with soy and leave.

Add beef, spring onion to stock and thicken if needed.

Heat noodles in some hot water and drain, divide over 4 plates with spring onion and beef and pour hot stock over this.

Garnish with grated ginger.

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