Poultry dishes from Mexico for 4 persons


  • 4 chickenbreasts
  • 1/2 cu salsa
  • 4 tbsp limejuice
  • 2 tbsp each oliveoil and tequila
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 thick slices red onion, chopped
  • 1 gr. bell pepper, in strips
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 5 tbsp butter
  • 2 green chilis
  • 1 tbsp chilipowder
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 1/2 cup shredded cheese (cheddar or something)
  • 1/2 tsp each gr. coriander/cilantro and cumin
  • 1/4 cup chicken stock
  • 8 tortillas


Marinate chicken in bag in salsa, oliveoil, limejuice, tequila, garlic, onnion and bell pepper. At least 2 hours. Keep marinade!

Then take chicken out and saute until done. Let cool, then chop in little pieces.

Take onion and bellpepper out and saute in 2 tbsp butter, put in bowl together with chicken and chopped chilis.

Preheat oven to 180C.

Heat rest of butter in pan and and chilipowder, gr. coriander and cumin, when hot take of heat and stir in sour cream and half the cheese. Mix about 1/2 cup of this with the chicken.

Dip tortillas in left over marinade to soften. Divide chicken mixture over tortillas and roll up and place in ovendish. Remaining sauce over tortillas and maybe some marinade. After about 15-20 mins sprinkle with remaining cheese and bake another few mins.

Serve with a salad.

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