"My mom's onionsoup, to get the typical onionsoup flavour use a store bought soupmixture. The rest is fresh!"

Soups from France for 4 persons, suitable for for christmas and other holidays.


  • 1 soupmixture, your favorite
  • 8 cups of water
  • 1-2 beefstock cubes
  • 1 pnd lean beef, cubed
  • 4 large onions, sliced and halved
  • 1 garlic clove
  • pepper and salt


Saute meat in some oil, until sealed. Add pepper, salt and garlic. Add water and bring to boil. In another pan saute onions until lightly browned. Add onions to stock after about 30 mins.

Mix soupmixture with some water and add to stock, stir in without lumbs!

Stir regularly and let simmer until meat is soft.

Serve with some french bread and cheese melted on top.

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